• There will be a meeting for anyone who signed up for the Powder Puff Game during enrichment today in the lecture hall. Teams and roles will be assigned at the meeting so be sure you are there.  Please go to your enrichment classes for roll check before you go to the lecture hall.
  • TAFE will have a meeting tomorrow morning at 7:30 in Mrs. Faircloth’s room. They invite you to be a part of TAFE.
  • Semester exams are fast approaching. We only have 9 regular class days left in the semester.  Please make sure you are taking care of your grades before it is too late!  Exemption lists will be posted sometime next week.  Exams will be December 18 – 20.
  • The freshman class will be hosting a Winter Wonderland Semi-Formal Dance on January 11. Tickets will go on sales next week before school in the main hallway.  Price is $15 and this is for White Oak students only.  Tickets will be sold all next week and Monday and Tuesday of Exam week.  Get your tickets and join the fun.
  • There will be a freshman class meeting in the lecture hall during enrichment on Thursday. You will be discussing plans for the Winter Dance.  Please go to your enrichment class for roll check then to the lecture hall.